On Friday May 19 it’s Giles’ 66th
birthday – he’s not here to celebrate with wine, women and song – (we never did that much singing) – but we are! Come along to The Richmond in Chichester (courtesy of Acute Sounds – Thanks Mash!) and hear the Remains of The Crooners. Also get yourself sponsored to get up and sing a song for Giles – all money going to Alzheimers charities. If you need accompaniment let us know and we’ll play for you. Just sing a song that Gilo would have liked – that could be virtually any song with words and a tune and some harmony.
Please share this post so we can get loads of people, have a good time. remember The Tall One and make some cash for a great cause.
May 19 – Richmond – canal basin – Chichester.
John Gleadall
You can sponsor and donate here at Gilo’s page:-
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