” A dreary Saturday night in April but very soon that is all about to change and the reason – Dielle and her band (comprising of Chris Wood and John Gleadall) are about to perform at the excellent Hayling Island Station Theatre venue.
Singing to a sold out crowd the evening gets underway with Dielle telling the audience that tonights show will include songs from great influences of hers namely Carole King, James Taylor, Joni Mitchell , Bob Dylan and the ilk as well as some of her own songs.
Starting of with songs from her heroes Dielle then treats us to one of their own. “First Time (or the biscuit song as it is affectionately known …check out the lyrics) is sung both effortlessly and perfectly. One of John’s songs going back to 1979 is included in the first half. It’s a song he wrote whilst being a teacher on Hayling Island and has recently been rediscovered by him.
The song “Island Song” is sung by John delightfully.
All three of the band clearly bond together well in terms of their music and personalities. John is the friendly , jolly competent musician as well as being a great story teller and as it turns out a heckler (both to ladies he recognise’s in the audience and to Dielle herself who takes the banter well). Chris is the “cool” laid back bass player who is the backbone of the trio with a dry sense of humour.
Clearly the band and the audience are having a great time so much so that the first half over runs. John jokes how the gig could turn out the same way timewise as that of a gig from the late Ken Dodd.
Having had a short interval all three walk back onto the stage and the second set begins with a twenty five minute Bob Dylan medley which flows seamlessly from tune to tune. Thereafter we continue to have more of the great same including lots more funny stories.
I look at my watch around 10.45 and can’t believe it’s that late. Where has the time gone ? Its obvious neither the band or audience want to let go of a fantastic night both entertaining and musically. Finally after an encore Dielle , Chris and John play their last song to a very appreciative audience and take their bows.
Thank you guys for such a good time and please don’t leave it too long before you return to a lovely venue.
(Finally special mention must be given to the photographer who did a marvelous job in recording the whole gig visually. He is Mark Wiseman and for a few bob I can put you in contact with him should you wish to engage a superb photographer.)”
Chris Rogers
Flash Radio Presenter
Great night!
Thanks Sarah! Glad you enjoyed it!