Telegraph Road – Dire Straits
I loved this song and had these lyrics painted on my bedroom wall when I was a teenager.. I very much enjoyed being able to play the entire 11minute live version on a radio interview at a rock station once..
“You know I’d sooner forget, but I remember those nights, when life was just a bet on a race between the lights. You had your head on my shoulder and your hand in my hair, now you’re acting a little colder, like you don’t seem to care. But just believe in me baby and I’ll take you away, gonna take you out of this darkness and into the day,
From these rivers of headlights, these rivers of rain
From the anger that lives on the streets with these names
‘Cause I’ve run every red light on memory lane
I’ve seen desperation explode into flames
And I don’t wanna see it again..” #telegraphroad #direstraits #songlyrics #humannature #evolution
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