Read this interview on Club Knowledge here.
Q. It’s a difficult path being an indie artist sometimes. What encourages you most and keeps you motivated? My fans. the people who have already been moved by my music are the ones that remind me our music has power. Also those industry members who have supported me – radio stations and bloggers that have loved my music. Huge shout out and thanks to all of them! Click here for DiElle’s Bio
Q. Do you write your music or lyrics first and which do you find the most difficult? Is catering your music to fit a specific genre important to your band? Why or why not?
I don’t have a single or specific approach. My music is personal and seeks to relate to people on an emotional level. I start with an idea as a spark or a seed – whether that be a feeling, a lyric, a melody, a rhythm, an instrument, part of a chord progression, a journey, a tap dripping or any combination of ideas. Then I follow them through to what feels like their natural conclusion to complete a first draft. Sometimes I might find it more difficult to complete something – then I go back with my technical/editing hat on and look more objectively at what I’ve done to help me fill in the blanks. I don’t seek to fit into any one genre per se, however I do have a penchant for simplicity of late and lean towards real instruments played by skilled musicians rather than programming and complex production techniques.
Q. What are are some of your goals? If you say you want to be successful, what does success mean to you?
Success to me means that people are relating to my music. If what I have written can comfort or move someone, then my music has a life. My goals are to continue producing classy and sophisticated shows that engage my fans, and continue to get global airplay. I am exploring possibilities of working with TV and film makers also. As long as my music has life, I am artistically fulfilled and people are enjoying my music, we are successful in my view.
Q. What is the most important thing about your music and why is it important to you?
‘Where words fail, music speaks’ Hans Christian Andersen.
Music has the power to evoke memory, move people and comfort us. I believe music is a reflection of the human experience, and one of the magical expressions that sets us apart as humans. It is important to me that we embrace that. Also by recording, we are leaving a legacy to the world for them to learn from.
Q.What does indie mean to you?
Rather than any particular genre, I call myself an indie artist because I have chosen to remain independant. DiElle is managed by me and I remain 100% in artistic and managerial control.
Q.If you could talk to anyone in the music business, who would it be?
Carole King. A huge influencer and inspiration to me. To speak to her would be a dream come true.
Q.If you wanted to make your own genre name, what would it be?
Emotive acoustic pop 🙂
Q. How many of your band members contribute to the song writing process? Explain what each member contributes to this process.
My band members have a part of the production process rather than the pure songwriting. In my view, the songwriting for my music is the lyric and melody. That’s my job as far as I’m concerned. Once I’m happy that’s finished, I’ll take it to the band, and let them – as the experts on their instruments – play what they feel. I work with them on that but trust them to bring their expertise to the table. I don’t tell them what to play, but give them more of an idea of how I want it to feel – then I let them use their skills to see how best we can create that.
Q. What genre(s) would you say your music is under?
My music has always been difficult to pigeon-hole, despite not being overly complicated. I have a wide range of influencers from rock, to pop, to folk. Folk bloggers think I’m really poppy and pop bloggers think I’m ‘folky’! I don’t think I sit squarely in either camp but have influences from both. I suppose acoustic pop, or pop music at a push.
Q. Are you looking to get a record deal? Why?
I’m not currently looking for a record deal as my new record has just been released. I’m more interested in promotion and PR packages, maybe tour management.
Q. Which online distribution sites do you use?
Fearless is available on all digital download platforms globally and also available from our band website
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