I am so sick of hearing the same thing from our kids as from my friends when I was a kid. This occupied my every thought when I was growing up and ultimately didn’t matter a damn. What are we doing to ourselves? What is going on that my friend’s kids don’t want to wear a swimsuit 🩱 at the age of 5?? This has to stop 🛑 Kids, if you’re reading this, there are not many guarantees in life but one thing I promise you is that the way you look WILL change. So if you pour all your self worth into what you look like, you are on a one way street to disappointment. I’m not crazy about how I look now, but the difference is it’s not inextricably linked to my self esteem any more. Enjoy your youth and your beauty (although we all know you won’t know how beautiful you really are till long after that flower has faded – we had Baz Luhrmann to tell us that and we still didn’t believe him. Listen to Wear Sunscreen if you want to understand that comment ☀️), but understand it is temporary and it will change, (which doesn’t mean ‘get fat and ugly’. You have to show loving kindness to yourself, but value nourishing the amazing instrument your body is, enjoy movement for joy, reject the toxic crap in so much of our food, count vitamins not calories. Sometimes I look at gig photos and still have that reaction that I’m fat and ugly, and then I remember the amazing insight of Lindsay and Lexie Kite Phd @beauty_redefined ‘your body is an instrument, not an ornament’. Look at that amazing thing I’m doing – playing my own music live to an audience that laid to be there – the younger me would never have believed that was ever possible because I knew I would always be fat and ugly, I would never do anything of any worth because I knew before I’d even stopped growing that I would always be fat and nothing else mattered. It has to stop 🛑 its just not true. Enjoy your youth but use that energy to get to know yourself and love and appreciate the amazing things you can do. Photo credit @jevon99
Fat | Ugly
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