13th Feb 2022
We saw the whole herd today when we drove in. 🦌 They ran across the main track like Dasher, Dancer, Prancer …
We had the oak sapling on the roof. Is it still a sapling if it’s about 15 years old? But we had to move them. It was tough digging the holes as the ground is so stony. It’s clay and pretty packed in, but full of roots also.
We dug the holes between us and I got down and did some with my hands. It was raining so I was completely caked in clay and my trousers were soaked through. But we got them in. By the time we finished it was getting dark. Felt weird walking out of the woods in the dusk with a shovel.
I’m fully expecting some die back but it’s been raining and the trees have had a good soak in. Keeping everything crossed 🤞 All we need is for it to not be too windy for a while and they’ll be ok.
17th Feb Spoke too soon about the wind. We came back today to check and I’ve been fully expecting that one or all of the trees had gone over in Storm Dudley, but low and behold they were all ok! Amazing day to be in the woods but Storm Eunice is on the way. I did a little video with the bari uke while the weather was nice. Am keeping everything crossed that our girls will stay safe 🤞
Johnny Reed
Nice to read your Nature post… I just stumbled upon it oh Twitter profile picture. Today’s my day enjoy nature On the coast of southern California in an amazing Native American Garden. a tribute to the Tongva Tribe.
Thanks again! Bye!
Thanks Johnny, that’s really lovely. That Garden sounds beautiful. I’d love to learn more about Native American culture. Lovely to have you on the blog. Thanks for stopping by. I’m going to update this post periodically like a little diary for myself, so I hope you find it interesting.